
HI, I'm Monica Bomfim...

I am an Energy Healer member of The Healing Trust - UK since 2013. A TQA- Brazil therapist, EFT practitioner, Add Heart facilitator, Reiki level II, channeler and participant in three Power of Eight (tm Lynne McTaggart) groups.  

After gravitating in Advertising (for a very short time) and the Law field (for way too long time), I moved to London. There, while learning the language, and focusing on survival, I had many jobs, always interacting with people of many different cultures and all sorts of walks of life. That made me learn a lot about people, and how difficult it is sometimes to live life fully.

Here are some of the courses I took. Along with these, numerous webinars, lectures, a lot of self-study, books and voluntary work lead me to understand us as holistic beings. That said, I understand that different ways are necessary to approach this amazing uniqueness that characterizes each one of us.

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Education and Training

  • Healing Through Consciousness - Extension Course - Faculdades Trilogicas Brazil - Feb to Apr 2023
  • Rebirth 2023-Renew Your Soul & Chart Your Path - Lee Harris & the Z’s - January 2023
  • TQA Therapist Training - Live and Interactive Webcourse - Instituto TQA Brasil - November 2022
  • Ascending Your Energy: Tune Into Your New Destiny - Intensive & Progressive Online Course - Dr Joe Dispenza - Jan 2022
  • Intention Essentials - Live & Interactive Webinar - Lynne McTaggart - October 2021
  • Opening To Your Universal Self - The Global Oneness Summit - October 2021
  • Become a Better Healer With the Power Of Eight - Lynne McTaggart - May 2021
  • Reiki Level 2 - Marilene Politano Master Healer - Santos, Brazil - March 2021
  • Quantum For All Course - Erik David - Instituto TQA Brasil - September 2020
  • Quantum For All Seminar - Erik David - Instituto TQA Brasil - August 2020
  • Science & Spirituality Worldwide Conference - Gregg Braden, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart - June 2020
  • People Skills Webinar - InnerSpace by Brahma Kumaris - May 2020
  • Making Gratitude A Habit Webinar - InnerSpace by Brahma Kumaris - May 2020
  • Add Heart Facilitator – HeartMath Institute – April 2020
  • Healing Of The Self & The Planet Workshop - Phil Medley - Greenhill New Church Centre - New Barnet, UK - Nov 2017
  • 5 Days To Authentic Intuition - Webcourse - Sonia Choquette - Mindvalley Academy - Aug 2017
  • Meditation Mastery - Online Course - Vishan Lakhiani - Mindvalley Academy - Jul 2017
  • Spiritual Healing – Level 4 – Tutor Christine Bachmann – National Healing Trust – London – Jul 2017
  • 5 Days To Discovering Your Purpose - Webinar by Rev. Michael B. Beckwith - Minvalley Academy - Jun 2017
  • Group Facilitation – City Lit University – London – May 2017
  • Conflict Transformation – City Lit  University – London – April 2017
  • Meditation Course – Level 1 & 2 –  World Spiritual University Brahma Kumaris – London – Jan to Mar 2017
  • Counselling: an introduction course – City Lit University - London – Jan to Mar 2017
  • Life Coaching Workshop – Animas –  London – Dec 2016
  • Meet Your Genius 3 Days Training - Ryan Pinnick - Natural Success Ltd - London - Apr 2016
  • Unleash Your Genius & Maser Your Life - Seminar by Ryan Pinnick - Natural Success Ltd - London - Mar 2016
  • Spiritual Healing – Level 1 to 3 – Tutor Claire Lewis - National Healing Trust – London – Apr 2014 to Nov 2015
  • Seminar on Positive Thinking – InnerSpace Brahma Kumaris – London - May 2012
  • Seminar on Improving Your Self-Esteem – InnerSpace Brahma Kumaris – London – Aug 2011
  • Bach Flower Remedies – Facilitator Joanne Sumner - Healing Herbs – Sep 2010 to Jan 2011 – London
  • EFT- Emotional Freedom Techniques (AAMET) – Level 1 – Facilitator Rowena Beaumont  -  Guildford, UK – Oct 2010
  • Luxury Sales Etiquette – Jane Urquhart of London Academy - London – Aug 2010
  • Life Coaching Workshop – The Coaching Academy – London - Jul 2010
  • Buddhist Meditation –  Monk Kelsang Drime– Santos, Brazil – Nov 2009 to Feb 2010
  • Self Improvement Course I & II Changing The Consciousness Level – Prof. Alberto Dias – Atibaia, Brazil -  Aug/Sep 2004
  • Multidimensional ConsciousnessTherapy Course – CDEC  – PhD Herminia Prado Godoy – Sao Paulo, Brazil – Jun 2004
  • Reiki – Level 1 – ILUMINATI (Center for Human Development) – Sao Paulo, Brazil - Jun 2003
  • Mediumistic Development - FEESP - Atibaia, Brazil - Feb 2001 to Dec 2002
  • Basic Course in Spiritism - FEESP - Santos & Sao Paulo, Brazil - Feb 1999 to Dec 2000
  • Introduction to the Study of the Spiritism – FEESP - Santos, Brazil - Feb to Dec 1998
  • Counsciousness Therapy Course – Basic & Intermidiate – CDEC  – PhD Herminia Prado Godoy – Sao Paulo, Brazil – Mar/May 2002
  • Feng Shui – Introduction to Practioner – ILUMINATI (Center for Human Development) – Sao Paulo, Brazil - Apr to Oct 2001
  • Meditation & Relaxation Techniques Course – Facilitated by Ana Silva – Atibaia, Brazil – Sep/Oct 2000
  • Photography – Basic to Upper Intermediate – Senac – São Paulo, Brazil - Aug 1999 to Nov 2000
  • Photographic Composition – open course facilitated by Photographer Berenice Kauffman – Santos, Brazil - May 1997 to July 1998
  • Personal Marketing Workshop – Unisantos - Santos, Brazil – Nov 1996
  • BA in Law - UNISANTOS - University in Santos, Brazil - Jan 93 to Dec 97
  • Production in Video – Mackenzie University – Sao Paulo, Brazil – Feb to Jul 1992
  • BA in Social Communication with major in Advertising - UNISANTOS - University in Santos, Brazil - Jan 87 to Dec 91

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